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Working from home? How to get the most from your broadband or mobile connection
- Alexandra Higgins |
- 01 May 2020 |
- Categories: Working from home,, WiFi, Broadband Usage
In the past month, working (and home) life has changed dramatically for millions of us. Many people are now working or studying from home — often with partners and children doing the same....

UK consumers looking for faster broadband and mobile speeds after lockdown
- Alexandra Higgins |
- 21 August 2020 |
- Categories: internet speed, working from home, technology, wifi
The restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a surge in demand for better fixed lined and mobile infrastructure, new research shows....

Wi-Fi etiquette rules
- |
- 12 March 2021 |
- Categories: WiFi, Gadget Cover, Gadget Insurance
With the growth in home working and reliance on our mobile phones we are all well aware of the importance of quality Wi-Fi....