You searched for... privacy

Public worried about privacy violations from COVID-19 tracing app
- Alexandra Higgins |
- 05 June 2020 |
- Categories: lockdown, Covid-19, privacy, tracing app
People in the UK are wary of downloading the NHSX COVID-19 contact-tracing app, new research reveals....

Phone privacy checks to do today
- |
- 15 December 2021 |
- Categories:
If you've just bought a new or second-hand device, or haven't reviewed your security settings for a while, take a look at our Gadget Cover phone privacy checks to do today....

GDPR leads US news sites to be unavailable in EU
- Harry Brown |
- 25 May 2018 |
- Categories:
As you’re no doubt completely aware thanks to the state of your inbox, the European Union’s new privacy and data laws, the General Data Protection Regulation, have come into force....

Teen tracking app suffers data leak
- Harry Brown |
- 23 May 2018 |
- Categories:
As high profile data breaches and privacy scandals, like the recent Facebook scandal, make headlines, more and more businesses and consumers are becoming increasingly aware of cyber security....

Best Android Security Apps
- Harry Brown |
- 04 April 2018 |
- Categories:
From GDPR to the latest Facebook scandal, privacy and security are at the forefront of everyone’s minds right now....

What's new in Android 11?
- Alexandra Higgins |
- 25 September 2020 |
- Categories:
The 11th version of Android is finally here, with new conversation features, a screen-recording tool and more control over your privacy and data....